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Diabetes: Sunflower and flax seeds are beneficial in diabetes, they control blood sugar quickly

Diabetes: Sunflower and flax seeds are beneficial in diabetes, they control blood sugar quickly

Diabetes: Diabetes has become a common problem in today’s time, the main reason for which is irregular eating habits and poor lifestyle. In diabetes, the process of sugar metabolism of the body deteriorates, due to which the effect of insulin in the body decreases and the amount of sugar in the blood starts increasing. It affects many important organs including heart, liver, kidney. In such a situation, proper diet is very important to control blood sugar.

According to experts, diabetes patients should include sunflower seeds and flax seeds in their diet. These seeds not only speed up sugar metabolism but also increase the activity of insulin in the body. Let us know how these seeds are beneficial in diabetes and how they should be consumed.

Diabetes: Sunflower and flax seeds are beneficial in diabetes, they control blood sugar quickly

Why are sunflower and flax seeds beneficial in diabetes?

They are rich in fiber

Sunflower and flax seeds are rich in fiber, which keeps the digestive system healthy. Consumption of these seeds increases the amount of fiber in the stomach, due to which food is digested well and blood sugar levels are controlled.

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Speeds up sugar metabolism
The nutrients present in these seeds speed up the sugar metabolism process of the body. This helps in digesting the sugar present in the body quickly and helps in keeping diabetes under control.

Activates insulin
Sunflower and flax seeds promote insulin cells and increase their speed of functioning. When insulin starts working properly, sugar does not accumulate in the body and the problem of diabetes is reduced.

They are rich in antioxidants
These seeds are rich in natural antioxidants, which help in reducing oxidative stress in the body. Oxidative stress is a major cause of diabetes, so its control is important.

Glycemic index is low
The glycemic index of these seeds is very low, due to which they prevent blood sugar from increasing rapidly. Things with low glycemic index are beneficial for diabetic patients.

When and how to consume sunflower and flax seeds?

Diabetic patients should take these seeds in the right way and at the right time. Here is how and when to eat them –

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Soak at night and eat in the morning

Put one teaspoon each of sunflower and flax seeds in a glass of water and leave it overnight.

After waking up in the morning, chew these seeds well and drink the same water.

This will provide maximum nutrients to the body and keep blood sugar under control.

Consume by making juice

Grind these seeds lightly and make juice by mixing them in a glass of water.

Drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.

Do this process continuously for at least 3 days a week or for 2 weeks.

Consume by mixing in smoothie

If you do not like the taste of seeds, then you can drink them by mixing them in your smoothie.

For this, prepare a healthy smoothie by mixing a glass of milk, a banana and these seeds.

Eat them mixed in salad

If you do not want to eat raw seeds, then you can eat them mixed in salad.

Eat one spoon of these seeds by adding them to carrot, cucumber, tomato salad.

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Consume with curd

Eat one spoon of flaxseed and sunflower seeds mixed in a bowl of curd.

This will keep the stomach healthy and sugar will also remain under control.

Other important things for diabetes patients

Avoid sugary foods and eat a diet rich in fiber.

Do light exercises and yoga daily.

Drink plenty of water so that toxins can be flushed out of the body.

Avoid stress as it can aggravate diabetes.

Keep getting your sugar level checked regularly.

To control diabetes, it is very important to have a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. Sunflower and flax seeds not only help in controlling blood sugar, but also increase the activity of insulin in the body. By consuming these seeds regularly, diabetes can be controlled and its serious effects can be avoided.

If you are a diabetic patient, then definitely include these seeds in your diet and consume them properly. This will not only keep your blood sugar under control, but will also improve your health.

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